sales training book: Executive sales training book based on the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs; among best sales training books
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A New Concept in Sales Training

by Vincent J. Daczynski

About the Author

This sales training book provides a new concept in sales training.

Vincent Daczynski graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Arts Education. His career has spanned forty years including: field engineer, technical management, stockbroker and financial management. In 1969 Mr. Daczynski interrupted his career to study full-time in India with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to become a qualified instructor of the Transcendental Meditation program.

Subsequently, having been through sales training programs in real estate, insurance and stock brokerage, Vince Daczynski quickly realized the shortcomings of those training programs and how the Transcendental Meditation technique is the perfect personal development tool to incorporate into sales training programs.

Mr. Daczynski was a cast member in "What if? The Movie," and he is the author of six books and over a dozen articles. Vince Daczynski has five decades of experience in a variety of meditation techniques. He credits his association with advanced spiritual luminaries as paramount to expanding his awareness and providing him with a purposeful focus to his daily life.

His interests have included chess, wing walking, skydiving, prospecting and traveling to exotic regions of the world. Originally from Brooklyn, Vince now resides in New Mexico with his wife, Melinda. They have one child, three fine grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Now retired, Vince enjoys spending his time researching consciousness and writing.








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